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SHEILA WOLK’S ‘’HARPY CARESS’’..stunning new 2017-2018 RELEASE!
4 1/4" x 3 1/2" x 7 1/4"
Material: Cold Cast Resin Hand-cast using real crushed stone bonded with high quality designer resin
Description: Hand Painted
- Beautiful Harpies are generally depicted in mythology as birds with the heads of maidens.
- Hand-cast using real crushed stone bonded with high quality designer resin
- Each piece is individually hand-painted by artisans
- Perfect gift for any occasion.
NY TAX INFO: Seller charges sales tax for items shipped to: NY*(8.85%). * Tax applies to subtotal + S&H for this state only. Overseas Customers: Please contact me through my email for additional shipping charges to your country. Thank you
May my Harpy bring joy and health into your life...thank you!
There are many Tales of female creatures but the ones I liked I combined into a simplified story so someday I could do a large mural of the ‘Battleful Beauties”. Unfortunately my lifetime is being spent and I can see that I would run out of time trying to paint such a Battle I have in my mind’s eye.
While healing from an accident over past few years I designed my characters instead, developing them into figurine images for people to love and cherish of the haunting days gone by.
I am particularly fond of the Greek Myths and cannot ignore the British, Scotch, Irish and even Madrid Folk Lore of the Mermaids, Sirens and Fairies too.
Once upon a time The 9 Muses (of Epic Poetry, History, Love Poetry, Music, Tragedy, Sacred Poetry/ Hymns, Dance, Comedy and Astronomy) argued with the Songbird Goddesses above and asked the God’s who were the fairest and most beautiful of all.
The God’s gave them a challenge that would answer the question and said whoever won would be proclaimed the most beautiful in all Eternity.
The Battle proceeded and the 9 Muses were the winners. The God’s said the Muses were allowed to name the punishment of the losing team. The Muses condemned the beautiful Songbirds to the wind over the waters and with bodies and voices of birds in flight and with shrill voices instead of pleasing cords, off they went into exile.
Later the lonely Songbirds (at this time known as Sirens or Harpies) played games beaconed sailors that were voyaging to different lands with casted haunting melodies in their direction to hypnotize them closer within their reach. As the sailors got closer the beautiful songbirds melodies became deafening shrills.
One day during the Harpies lureof the SAILORS, one voyager was so struck with pain of the loud shrill that he plunged into the water and hence he drowned.
The God’s summonsed the Harpies for their punishment of killing a human and as the Harpies flew away with their destiny written, their feathers fell off and they plunged into the Sea. Their bodies transformed to part fish with tail and fin, and mute to never sing again…and that is how the Mermaid came into being.
I hope you enjoy my Sheila Wolk Menagerie: HARPY'S
❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤My samples are painted with high quality that awaited my final approvals..LATER when painted in factories at mass quantities the painting quality got much less. At that point I did not have quality control over the factories unfortunately ..so I sell the best paint jobs of my figuriens online, here in my store ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤